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Posts posted by Lit_LimeMF

  1. Not against it man, ngl, was super disappointed when I heard they changed the cleric class. I totally get why they did it, but I personally don't see why they didn't allow them to keep their buff's, but keep the buff distribution for the party too. I think the class buffs works for now, but for those who continue playing as others die off, it's gonna make the game so much harder tbh. Hoping they fix that, I am struggling to see a reason to have one atm. But do like your recommendations you have put some solid thought into it, it give that a crack 🤔

  2. Yeah, I actually think all this talk about bringing life to the game by getting rid of it, will actually just kill off a solid chunk of the player base. I know I wouldn't play it if I couldn't bring my healer along. So far the arguments I have read against it, are literally things people can say no to personally. Like adding 4 people to a party. If you govern your own party, don't you get to decide whether or not to invite someone. So, if you don't agree with dual clienting then don't have them in your party, easy fix. That way people like myself, who don't have time to go hunting for a solid party, can go and enjoy the experience, without having to go hunting for a party. I think a fundamental thing people are forgetting is, the game is at a peak, now that it has relaunched, the minute people start to die off again (and it will happen sooner or later) you have basically just contributed to the death of the game. I know I won't stick around if I'm unable to have atleast 2 chars in game. Worth noting, even getting rid of that capability, will not limit people who genuinely want to do it, it will just make them have to circumnavigate the system.

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  3. Hmm, I'm inclined to agree with the guys saying not to change it. I think like you said man, people flock to these places, so people clearly value it. If you don't like the flocking, then don't do it. When we played in the past, it was a grindy game, there is a particular group of people who genuinely enjoy that. The alternative doesn't sound very pleasant, if I'm being honest. I think a lot of people who are playing are playing for nostalgias sake, not because they are after a new game. I heard they have changed the cleric system, haven't reached it yet, but will suck balls if the buffs they give are seemingly irrelavent. It's the same sort of deal, it would likely just kill the experience faster for more people, imo 🤔

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