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Posts posted by Jyntax

  1. I don't think using a dual client is the problem. People not standing up against it is the problem.

    AoE Party with dual client user:
    1. The party isn't full with active people because of at least one dual client alt
    2. Party is less effective

    People could now just leave the party and let the dual client player play the way he/she/them wanted to play ... by themselves.

    Now the dual client user has two options. Either they leave their alt out of the party and support themselves with healing or they just leave the alt offline from the start.

    I don't see a problem in people using dual client as long as it stays with a dual client. I mean if you really wanna go insane you can create 4 Base Class Characters, level 'em to 100 and you got all class buffs. So with a penta client play you could use everything while not having the need to put any points into the buffs for your active character. If someone wants to do so, leave 'em be. 

    You don't have to take someone into your party using dual clients. The moment someone dual clients in your party, your party is slower as without that person. So just kick 'em.

    Dual clienting isn't as effective as it was with the old clerics. So leave it be I'd say. Also there is and will always be a way to dual client. If you make it harder to dual client you just make it harder for people to trade between characters.

    Best regards,
    Jyntax aka JynSup

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  2. 1 hour ago, Tally said:

    If servers ever come back up you could be my healer if you're on Luna ❤️ XD 

    I will be there but most likely with my Knight pal. But you could still join us tho 😄

    1 hour ago, AkrooS said:

    I appreciate your passion, dear Cleric. Hope face you any time, it'll be a pleasure. 

    Would be my pleasure too. 🙂

  3. I am currently close to 102 Cleric and a full support that made a lot of experimenting.

    From my perspective so far it's exactly like this:

    Int: As much as needed for gear
    Str: Around half your level to get atleast some def and hp
    Cha: Rest

    Why this way?

    Int increases your Max MP, MP Regen per Second and is a needed cap for your Weapon.

    Cha: increases your buff power, healing done (, quest rewards)

    You will get more than enough MP Regen per Second from Mana Crux, your Bonfire and if needed Meditation.

    As about the skill order to max...


    Leveling in Party:

    Cure 1
    Summon Training + Bonfire 4
    Enhanced DMG Party (always capped)
    Cure 3
    Heal 1
    Cure 5
    Heal 3
    Heal Party 1
    Mana Crux 5
    Heal 5
    Heal Party 3
    Restore 3
    Restore Party 1

    This way you have all your heals as a muse and can start cycling through them. 

    At this time you can decide on multiple ways to go. You can either upgrade your party buffs which... don't matter for leveling yet. Max Mana +2-8% before hitting 100? With 2 Bonfire on Level 5 no one will run out of mana unless they spam a lot of skills which isn't that necessary. Magic Defense? You are mostly taking physical damage at this point so..... +15 Int?.... Before I'd go with the +15 Int Party Buff (which a mage could also use) I'd go with maxing my heals, maybe even go with meditation to further increase your MP Regen per sec. Also use the MP Regen per sec Accessoire Sets. The more MP Regen you have, the easier it is to spam your heals.

    Now to "how to heal"

    Do not spam HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL because it's your highest heal. Start with Restore since it ticks every 5 seconds after you applied it for 15 seconds. So 5 seconds AFTER applying it it'll heal for the first time. Next use Heal because it's your highest heal... then you should use Restore Party to further increase your HoT. Now you use Heal Party and then Heal into Cure Cure Heal.

    So the basic healing rotation is -> 

    Restore, Heal, Restore Party, Heal Party, Heal, Cure, Cure, Heal, Cure, Cure, Heal, Repeat (Restore, Heal, Restore Party, Heal Party, Heal, Cure, Cure, Heal, Cure, Cure, Heal,)

    This will most likely get you to Cleric without any big problems in healing.


    Best regards,

    Jyntax aka JynSup.

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  4. Hello everyone,

    my name ist Jyntax and I am aiming to become one of the best Clerics on this server! 


    First things first - Who am I and where do I come from?

    I am a 32 years old "Gaming-Vetaran" with a bunch of MMORPG experience. I am living in germany, I'm engaged and like to crunch numbers. Back in the days I started with Fly for Fun and already made there a huge german Blade guide, revealing every little bit of the class that was available at that time. Later on I traveled across many lands of the MMORPG genre and stranded on Final Fantasy XIV which I play for around 8 years now. While that's the case I also raided 2 years hardcore on that game and even tho my static and I aren't hardcore anymore, we are still week one progress raiders.

    Why I want to become one of the best Clerics?

    Cleric seems to be the most discussed class. Many people hate the changes while I think... it's very good. I don't know how the Cleric was before by myself. I just heard things here and there and... for real... a Buffslave is the death of every MMORPG. The moment you are able to do everything by yourself just because you made the effort to level up a Buffslave makes it kinda useless to play an MMORPG especially in this case because leveling in a party is hella fun. This game and the way it is balanced right now leads to a perfect synergy between classes. Everytime my Knight Mate and I are creating a party and there are enough people with different classes... we just annihilate the enemies. Sure... I spam my heals like I am going crazy... having most likely the hardest job of the party if noone takes food... but... god damn it I am a freaking healer... That's my job.

    Goals for the near future?

    Reaching 250 on my Cleric which is currently 101 close to 102 and writing a huge Cleric Guide containing builds like Full Support, Hybrid, Battle and PvP Cleric. 


    Best regards,

    Jyntax or JynSup 😄

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