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moshi moshi

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Posts posted by moshi moshi

  1. if im interpreting this change correctly, the only difference is that instead of 1 buff slave you will need multiple. so what will happen is a bunch of buff slaves controlled by different people in a specific area working together (as you can only have 1-2 slaves at a time) to provide full buffs for soloing.

    so functionally this changes nothing (except axe an iconic role)

    what exactly is the goal here?

    it appears to be to encourage or even require grouping, so heres a better solution: increase the difficulty of the game in general (increase enemy damage, health, etc and/or decrease player damage, health, etc) until the game can no longer be easily soloed even with buffs. then not only would you "need" a buff slave but also other classes actually playing the game. to prevent buff slaves you could force them to be more active during combat, such as requiring them to be nearby and/or be in combat (deal/receive damage, heal, etc) or their buffs get cleared/disabled.

    if you want people to solo the game theres no reason to change cleric at all

    if you want people to solo the game but without needing a cleric (already possible but whatever) then make the game easier

    otherwise it just seems like its to nerf the cleric for personal reasons


    as someone who only ever played this game for the buff cleric i would personally like to see their buffs nerfed in the way i described above where they have to participate for players to keep their buffs. its disappointing to see your main class made almost worthless by people standing around buffing everyone constantly. even making it so buffs cannot be given to players not in the party and clearing them when they leave the party would be great.

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