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Posts posted by Godrix

  1. I honestly do not understand why they would do this to clerics

    First of all it does not solve anything long term at all and in fact makes things worse, instead of having 1 buff slave your going to have people level up to 7 chars on an alt account and give themself a free stat reset to turn all of them into a buff slave and just log on each one which takes a few moments.

    You are literally just making multiple buff slaves instead of 1 the meta

    Second  not everyone wants to or is able to find a group to party with, some people play a few hours a day and just want to grind with their 1 buff slave or play with their one cleric friend and worry about having to split their loot between several people cause they need ro want their buffs.

    By nerfing clerics buffs you are literally catering to the more end game players and the ones that can't play much i guess they are  SOL for not having several high level buff slaves.

    It's annoying seeing buff  please every 5 minutes but you know what as a healer in a lot of games i make a lot of in game friends that way and get invited to a lot of groups and it feels good to help people knowing my buffs are helping them progress. in some games i have gone to newbie areas to give  buffs  which makes the players happy, they feel like the server is welcoming and active and they are valued, who's going to want to go to the newbie area with half baked buffs like seriously.

    If as a cleric i can give every class buff they only have to share the loot with me and we can take on harder areas and bosses as a duo.

    Early game clerics do not have enough charm to really be a game changer but late game people will just start making several buff slaves and rotate buffs from the alt account



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