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Posts posted by Architect

  1. What's going on guys and gals! Defile is a new guild formed from old members of SonofDemons and LostSouls back from NAROSE! Looking for active members to join us in creating what we once were 15 years ago... jeez.. that sounds.. Anyways! Were grown adults now and just want to have fun and relive the memories. PST Architect or Denomious in game or just send me a message here! Cant wait to see you all and Defile the world of ROSE muhahah!!! I mean "hehe"

  2. For those of us wondering I am going to ask haha. Will there be an item mall shop where items, enchants, or really anything that is typically in a shop going to be in game? I know the game is not going to be P2P but just for a few of us who may have been thinking about this, I figured I'd just ask. 


  3. @ashura Oh about not changing the cleric class too much. Back in the ROSE days even though clerics were referred to as "buff slaves" They were praised as well. With cleric buffs it made any class feel OP and us who received the buffs were always so thankful! I was just agreeing with Cyan about not changing them out of their intended role of being a support class. Any who I can't wait for launch day ❤️

  4. Name: Architects, Exordius, Erra

    Preferred name to call you: Any of those 3 ^_^

    Gender/country/age: Male/California/32

    When did you start playing Rose Online? When the game was in alpha years and years ago!

    Who introduce you to Rose/ What brought you to Rose? A random game at a LAN center

    What do you like the most from Rose Online? The community and nostalgic feeling

    What's your favorite class to play? (and why) Knight and Artisan. Had a scary pvp build on my knight. Crafting is also a MUST!

    Share your favorite memories from Rose Online! Getting my first Dark Buster Axe <3333

    Favorite monster: Porkee's 

    Things you hate the most in Rose: 7 planets aren't finished yet

    Anything you want to say? I cant wait to see you all in game! Don't be shy to say Hi!

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