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Posts posted by Gnoski

  1. On 12/6/2022 at 8:56 PM, lazypenguin said:

    Looks pretty good, we tried once to connect all the maps into a big world but they don't quite fit perfectly so would have to create some terrain between them. Need Orlo maps too 🙂

    Lazy! Why are maps not like that when we alt+m it shows the whole world map, not the current map we are. That would definitely improve the quality of life, especially when looking for an npc for a quest.

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  2. I would like the pet to be in the item mall so we can help fund the devs and the game. A Pet system is a must. Pet accessory is a great idea.
    Just please don't make the picking up loot a pet skill like in pservers I find it very terrible and p2w feature because the skill expires you have to buy it again in the item mall.
    Pet built-in skill is to loot it should not expire lol. Just sharing my frustrations on the pet system on some pservers XD
    One pet accessory maybe a pet can have is a little portable storage or backpack extension not so big maybe 10 to 20 items.

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  3. Is there an update on this? I'm not actually concerned about ammo UI but the weight system of ammo. I wanted to carry at least 5 stacks of ammo in my low levels.
    Wish we could remove weight on ammo so we can carry more. 

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  4. How about making Piloting CG a new class. That way we can use CG in actual PVE, PVP, Clan Wars and all other stuff ingame not just cosmetics.

    Pilot Class have passives and active skills for CG. Just like any other weapon and items CG parts can be refined and upgraded. The CG parts is the Pilot class basic items and gears.

    CG is one of the best content of Rose for me and its really sad that up until now that CG cant be seen use in actual PVE, PVP. That would be great if we can use it in actual battle.

    My Idea in mind with this class is
    1st Job  -  Mechanic
    2nd Job - Pilot (Castle Gear) Gundam Pilot Feels XD
                     Rider (Cart with weapons) everyone still can use cart but not weapons and skills.

    Pilot - Passive. Canon Mastery. Lance/Drill Mastery, Recoil Mastery but they can only choose one mastery lol
                              Steel Mastery - Buff making a little tougher cause they are bigger making it a easier target and its robots XD that would not be cool if CG are squishy 
               Active is like for Canon Blast Impact AoE, Lance/Drill is Pierce Thrust, Recoil is like Orb Blast something like that.
               Dash - Making a dash flight through booster in a specific distance. This would make up for CG slow movement speed to catch up to enemies

    Rider - Most likely the same with Pilot but I bit different set of weapons I guess. Giant crossbow, Gatling Gun, Smasher(melee weapon)
                Nitro skill - a super fast speed to travel in a specific duration (fast and furious feels lol)
                Passenger - ability to ride with you 2 players at a time (party road trip lol)

    This is just a raw and rough idea I have with CG. Hoping and Praying that the devs would make a move about CG being more useful.

    Let me know thoughts guys. Thanks


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  5. Add a "Killer Distribution" as well. Who ever kills the monster will only him/her get the loot. Just to secure the loot from the monster you killed when party leveling especially if the pet system is up, cause pets loots fast and if you don't have one that pet or other player might steal your loot. 
    Its more of a securing your loot, nobody wants their mob kill reward got steal from them. You want to make zulie as well to make your character stronger. Just my thoughts

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